Libros gratis sobre el lenguaje de programación Python
Para completar tu formación sobre el lenguaje de programación Python os hemos preparado una lista de libros gratis que puedes descargar y consultar siempre que quieras.
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Recuerda que puedes ampliar tus conocimientos de este lenguaje de programación, en la lista que compartimos hace unos días sobre cursos gratis de Python.
Libros gratis sobre Python
A continuación tienes la lista por orden alfabético para consultar y leer:
- 20 Python Libraries You Aren't Using (But Should)
- A Beginner's Python Tutorial
- A Byte of Python
- A Guide to Python's Magic Methods
- A Whirlwind Tour of Python
- Automate the Boring Stuff
- Biopython
- Build applications in Python the antitextbook
- Building Skills in Object-Oriented Design (Python)
- Building Skills in Python
- Code Like a Pythonista: Idiomatic Python
- CodeCademy Python
- Composing Programs
- Cracking Codes with Python
- Data Structures and Algorithms in Python
- Dive into Python 3
- Dive into Python
- From Python to NumPy
- Full Stack Python
- Functional Programming in Python
- Fundamentals of Python Programming
- Google's Python Class
- Google's Python Style Guide
- Hadoop with Python
- Hitchhiker's Guide to Python!
- How to Make Mistakes in Python
- How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python, Interactive Edition
- Intermediate Python
- Introduction to Programming with Python
- Introduction to Python
- Learn Python, Break Python
- Learn Python in Y minutes
- Learn Python Programming, Second Edition
- Learn to Program Using Python
- Learning to Program
- Lectures on scientific computing with python
- Making Games with Python & Pygame
- Math for programmers (using python)
- Modeling Creativity: Case Studies in Python
- Natural Language Processing with Python
- Non-Programmer's Tutorial for Python 3
- Picking a Python Version: A Manifesto
- Porting to Python 3: An In-Depth Guide
- Practical Programming in Python
- Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures using Python
- Program Arcade Games With Python And Pygame
- Programming Computer Vision with Python
- Python 2 Official Documentation
- Python 2.7 quick reference
- Python 3 Official Documentation
- Python 3 Tutorial
- Python Data Science Handbook
- Python for Everybody Exploring Data Using Python 3
- Python for you and me
- Python for you and me
- Python Idioms
- Python in Education
- Python in Hydrology
- Python Koans
- Python Machine Learning By Example
- Python Module of the Week
- Python Notes for Professionals
- Python Practice Book
- Python Practice Projects
- Python Programming
- Python Programming
- Scipy Lecture Notes
- SICP in Python
- Suporting Python 3: An In-Depth Guide
- Test-Driven Web Development with Python
- Text Processing in Python
- The Coder's Apprentice: Learning Programming with Python 3
- The Definitive Guide to Jython, Python for the Java Platform
- The Little Book of Python Anti-Patterns
- The Programming Historian
- The Python GTK+ 3 Tutorial
- The Standard Python Library
- Think Complexity
- Tiny Python 3.6 Notebook
- Web2py: Complete Reference Manual, 6th Edition
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