Curso gratis de Ruso con 100 lecciones únicas

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Hoy os compartimos un curso gratis de ruso formado por 100 lecciones con las que estudiarás el idioma en su nivel básico para ir, poco a poco, estudiando la conjugación verbal en los tiempos verbales de pasado, presente y futuro.

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Una curiosidad que tal vez no sepáis es que el ruso es uno de los idiomas más importantes que existen en el mundo tanto por su peso en la historia como por la gran cantidad de países que lo hablan.

El curso gratis que compartimos con vosotros está realizado por Russia Today, la fuente de información del Gobierno Ruso, una entidad de mucho reconocimiento y muy fiel.

¿Quién puede apuntarse al curso? Cualquier persona que quiera aprender ruso sin tener ningún conocimiento previo, ya que es de nivel básico y podrá acceder hoy mismo al contenido de las 100 lecciones.

El único inconveniente es que el curso está en Inglés, por lo que sí que debes tener conocimiento de este idioma para poder seguir el curso sin perderte.

Pero no te preocupes ya que tenemos muchos cursos gratis de inglés para que puedas aprenderlo y seguir este curso sin dificultades.

Las primeras lecciones del curso están dirigidas al aspecto más elemental del idioma que te ayudarán a poder mantener una conversación coloquial del día a día para ir poco a poco ampliando los conocimientos a lo largo de las siguientes lecciones.

A continuación puedes consultar el temario del curso de ruso y apuntarte:

Contenido del curso

Greeting and first simple phrases, professions.
First verbs; nationality; “Where are you from?”
Who is it? What is it? Nouns and their gender.
Possessive pronouns and questions.
Speaking about places and time: prepositions “в” and “на”.
Speaking about location, answering the question “Where?”.
Present and Past Tenses.
Adjectives in the Nominative Case.
Adverbs and Adjectives.
Accusative Case, Direct Objects.
Future Tense.
Speaking about reasons: “because” and “that's why”.
Numbers and Quantity.
Nouns in the Genitive Case.
Prepositions with the Genitive Case.
Genitive Case Plural. Quantity.
Nouns in the Instrumental Case. First Verbs of Motion.
Nouns in the Instrumental Case. Reflexive Verbs.
Nouns and Personal Pronouns in the Dative Case.
Dative Case and Indirect Objects.
Nouns and Personal Pronouns in the Prepositional Case.
Nouns and Adjectives, Masculine and Neuter in all cases.
Possessive Pronouns, Masculine and Neuter in all cases.
Nouns and Adjectives, Feminine, in all cases.
Possessive Pronouns, Feminine, in all cases.
Nouns, Adjectives and Possessive Pronouns, Plural, in all cases.
Personal Pronouns in all cases.
Constructions with the word "which" and declension of this word.
Speaking About Processes and Results. Imperfective and Perfective Aspects of Verb.
Directions and Places – Where to, Where, Where from.
How to Use Verbs of Motion.
Speaking about the beginning of Motion. Verbs of Motion with the prefix “по-”.
Verbs of Motion with the Prefixes “в-” and “вы-”.
Verbs of Motion and the prefixes “при-” and “у-”.
Verbs of Motion and the prefixes “под-” and “от-”.
Verbs of Motion and the prefixes “про-” and “пере‑”.
Verbs of Motion and the prefixes “за-” and “об(о)‑”.
Verbs of Motion and the prefix “до-”.
Verbs of Motion and the prefixes “с-”, “раз-” and the suffix “-ся”.
Speaking about routes. Verbs of Motion with all prefixes.
Speaking about purposes and reasons.
Conditional sentences "if… then" — "если … то" and "если бы … то".
Complex sentences with the conjunction words "где", "куда", "откуда", "когда".
Speaking about time. Prepositions "до", "перед", "после" and the cases used with them.
Speaking about time. Prepositions "за", "на", "через", "назад".
Speaking about periods of time. Prepositions "с… до…", "с… по…", "от… до…".
Speaking about time. Constructions with the words "давно", "долго", "недавно", "недолго".
Speaking about equality. The difference between "тоже", "также" and "так же как и...".
Reason and consequence. Using the prepositions “благодаря” and “из-за”.
Contrast and concession. The difference between “но” and “хотя”.
Comparing objects and their qualities.
Comparing objects and their qualities. Superlative degree of comparison of adjectives.
Expressing requests, orders and advice. Imperative Mood of Russian verbs.
Expressing prohibitions. Imperative Mood of Russian verbs in negative constructions, the word “нельзя”.
Expressing permissions and possibilities. Imperative Mood of Russian verbs in constructions with the word “мочь”.
Speaking about unknown objects. Use of impersonal pronouns “кто-то”, “кое-кто”, “кто-нибудь”.
Active and Passive Voices of Verbs, Present Tense.
Active and Passive Voices of Verbs, Past Tense.
Negation. Use of the particles “не” and “ни”.
Speaking about time and duration. Use of the words “когда” and “пока”.
Active Present Participles and Their Use in Formal Styles of Speech.
Active Past Participles and Their Use in Formal Styles of Speech.
Passive Present Participles and Their Use in Formal Styles of Speech.
Passive Past Participles and Their Use in Formal Styles of Speech.
Adverbial Participles Formed from Imperfective Verbs and Their Use in Formal Styles of Speech.
Adverbial Participles Formed from Perfective Verbs and Their Use in Formal Styles of Speech.
Short Form of Adjectives.
More Verbs of Motion: “to carry”.
More Verbs of Motion: “to drag” and “to roll”.
Verbs of Motion: Figurative Meanings.
Styles of Speech. Constructions of Occurrence.
Styles of Speech. Constructions of Creation and Emergence.
Styles of Speech. Some More Constructions of Occurrence.
Styles of Speech. Constructions of Sufficiency.
Verbal Nouns with the Meaning of Action.
Other Verbal Nouns with the Meaning of Action.
Constructions with the Verbs “быть” and “стать”.
Complex Sentences with Constructions Typical of Literary and Academic Styles. Constructions used Without any Specific Cases.
Complex Sentences with Constructions Typical of Literary and Academic Styles. Constructions used Together with the Dative, Genitive, Instrumental Cases.
Complex Sentences with Constructions Typical of Literary and Academic Styles. Constructions used Together with the Prepositional, Accusative, Genitive Cases.
Declension of Cardinal Numbers. Part 1.
Declension of Cardinal Numbers. Part 2.
Telling the Time.
Speaking About Time. Ordinal Numbers.
Complex Constructions of Time with the Genitive and Prepositional Cases.
Modality in Russian. Constructions of Permission, Prohibition, Recommendation, Obligation, and Ability.
Modality in Russian. Constructions of Ability, Recommendation, and Various Degrees of Certainty.
Modality in Russian: Ways of Expressing Obligation and Necessity.
Modality in Russian: Ways of Expressing Desirability.
Topics: Transport. Part 1.
Topics: Transport. Part 2.
Topics: Home. Flat. Rental.
Topics: Home. Flat. Renovation and Repair.
Topics: Seeing the Doctor.
Topics: Pharmacy. Insurance Company.
Topics: Speaking about a Person’s Appearance.
Topics: Appearance. Figure.
Topics: Personality
Topics: Personality. Temperament.
Topics: Idioms and Phrases about Personality.

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